Cheat : To get access to a cheat menu: Begin a game like normal. Push Left, Circle, X, Right, Circle, X, Down, Circle, X.
Level select: Enter P3NDLDQNY2 as a password. All levels & all guns: Enter 205F6HJT0V as a password.
Passwords: 02 09VCJGG7WM 03 8WBDP7RMN 04 Imperial Weapons Facility 885BVHMCQ8 05 Gromas Mines !32ZNJQHT3 06 Imperial Detention Center GV8KF!G6KL 07 Ramsees Shed 3X8MJ47R3X 08 Robotics Facillity LMZRK4!R3D 09 Nar Shadda BR2WYK2CQJ 10 Jabba's Ship 00GBNLJ4G0 11 Imperial City T2GDTJG5JT 12 Fuel Station H2DCTKH40S 13 The Executor PPYRQP58LD 14 The Arc Hammer RT2W121V7J